What is The Pastures Retreat?
Starting college can be intimidating. There's a lot of new and a lot of unknown...
​The Pastures Retreat exists to help you start strong and on a solid foundation. We know you have a place at UK and we want to help you find it. We're here to connect you to other freshmen, and to upperclassmen who have been in your shoes and who want to walk alongside you. We want to equip you with knowledge to help you navigate college well, but more than that, a deeper understanding and love of the Lord that will be your true foundation. We want you to leave The Pastures Retreat with confidence in where the Lord has placed you, connected to Christ-centered community, and equipped to make an impact during your college career and for the rest of your life.
Is The Pastures Retreat affiliated with a specific church or ministry?
No, the churches and ministries from the Lexington area work together. It is a powerful first picture of the body of Christ working together to bless and minister to incoming freshmen. The umbrella ministry that supports The Pastures Retreat is The Oaks Collaborative. You can read more about the ministry at www.theoakscollaborative.com.
What is included in the price?
It includes a 3 day, 2 night retreat surrounded by other incoming freshman—all food, lodging, and sessions.
Not included: merch and transportation
What should we expect?
Throughout the weekend students will attend several worship and teaching sessions and topic based breakout sessions. They will have the opportunity to spend time with their family groups, diving into deep community with one another and with the Lord. Students will also get the chance to attend the Ministry Fair, which is set up for our partner churches and ministries to be available for the students to get to know them and ask questions.
What if I don't know anyone else going to the retreat?
You are not alone! Many people coming to the Oaks don't know anyone else. There will be different ways of making new friends. You will be assigned a family group with others, you will be rooming with a few others during the retreat, there are meal times, breakout sessions, and tons of fun options during the day or night.
What airports are nearby?
30 mins away from Bluegrass airport
1 hour 20min from Louisville airport
1 hour 20min away Northern Kentucky International